You may have noticed that a new checkbox has been added to the form used when submitting creative requests. If you haven't, it looks like this:

Since you might have some questions on what this means, we will try to answer what we think will be common questions.

1) Why Now?

We're seeing an uptick again with tickets that have multiple requests in them. This is a problem for many reasons (although we will only bullet point a few):

  • It makes it difficult to know how many requests we truly have in the queue
  • It's easy to lose clarity on what's being asked for with the amount of text that goes in multiple requests
  • Edits/revisions can become confusing and lead to delays
  • Approvals easily get lost if they are not all approved at the same time

2) Is there anything okay to pair together?

Display + Social: We currently have this combo choice when requesting creative from the team... This was implemented after getting many requests to have them created with similar design. Just choose this option, and after the display proof is approved we will build out the full set of display and social.

A/B Testing: Are we doing an A/B test for this client? If so, there should only be a single thing that changes between them (photo, button color, wording change). As long as it is a single difference, it's fine to keep those together.

iStock Requests or iStock + Logo: To keep this simple, just provide a list of iStock ids, transparent logos (to add if needed) and the output size. We can quickly copy/paste ids to get a master list and quickly download. 

3) How can I let you know there are multiple tickets that are related for a client?

There are few ways that you can make this easy:

  • Denote (# of #) in the subject. 
    • Example: Acme Brand - April 2022 - Spring Recruitment Laborers Display (1 of 2)
    • Example: Acme Brand - April 2022 - Spring Recruitment Interns Display (2 of 2)
  • Mention the other ticket(s) in the description.
    • Example: "Just wanted to you to know that this is part of a set of ads that we will be running for a spring campaign. The other tickets in this series: LINK, LINK or #XXXXX/#XXXXXX"

4) What if I continue to request multiple designs in the same ticket?

Besides making all the designers sad inside, your ticket will need to be split which will cause further delays.